Tissue Viability, Wound and Pressure Care Management
Tissue Viability, Wound and Pressure Care Management
- Preventing and maintaining skin integrity is a fundamental role of healthcare professionals (NMC,2008; GMC, 2009). The skin is a barrier to the outside world protecting the body from infection. There are several types of wounds that can potentially damage the skin. Some wounds requires medical intervention or referral to wound specialists due to damage of underlying tissues.
Learning Outcomes:
- Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of national policies, guidance in relation to wound care. Understating on your role and responsibilities.
- Identify patients at risk of developing wound infection. Explain the importance of infection control in relation to wound care management. Describe the signs and symptoms of an infected wound.
- Demonstrate an understanding of the principles of wound care and identify range of dressings and their suitability for different types of wounds.
- Describe the equipment needed for wound dressing. Demonstrate practical wound dressing using a simulate manikin skills, changing wound dressing using a sterile Non Touch Technique.
Course Content:
- Legislation and National Guidelines
- Professional Code of Conduct
- Roles and Responsibility
- Principles of Consent for Treatment
- The five Key Principles of the Mental Capacity
- Act 2005
- Risk Assessment- Assess Patient’s Skin
- Privacy and Dignity
- Layers Of Skin
- Physiology of Wound
- Wound Assessment Tool- TIME Framework
- Wound Drainage Assessment
- Factors that delay Wound Healing
- Wounds Classification
- Infection Prevention and Control
- Wound Cleansing
- Principles of Wound Management
- Wound Healing Process
- Wound Complications
- Diagnostic for Wound Infections
- Promotion of Wound Healing
- Functions of Wound Dressing
- Wound Management Products
- Categories of Wound Dressing
- Chronic Wound Treatment
- Nutritional Support for Wound Healing
- Changing a Wound Dressing- Practical
- Pressure Area Risk Assessment -, Waterlow
- Scale, Braden Risk Assessment Tool
- Factors Correlating with Skin Breakdown
- Pressure Sore Areas
- Pressure Ulcer Prevention
- Documentation and Recordkeeping
- Knowledge and Skills Competency Assessment
(with 4 Hours Participatory)
Duration: 0900-1800
Fee: £150
Lunch will not be provided only Tea and coffee will be provided in the morning and during breaks.
Tissue Viability, Wound and Pressure Care Management
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