Safeguarding of Vulnerable Adults (SOVA) Level 3
UK Core Skills Training Framework (UKCSTF) Skills for Health Aligned
Learning Objective:
- Safeguarding of Vulnerable Adult Course is to provide the candidates with the underpinning knowledge to support them and their organisation with responsibilities to protect vulnerable adults in the health and social care setting. By the end of the session, the candidates will be able to: Describe the term “safeguarding”; State who is vulnerable from abuse; State reasons where abuse could happen; Define the term “dignity”; and State the role of the Disclosure and Barring Service
Course Content:
- Legislation and National Guidelines
- Principles of Nursing
- Need of Safeguarding
- Duty to Safeguard Adults
- Basic Requirement of Modern Healthcare Services
- Risk assessment and Patient Safety
- Legislation and Professional Accountability
- Roles and Responsibilities
- Professional Code of Conduct
- Safeguarding Principles
- Assessment and responding to the level of risk
- Groups of Adults at risk
- Employee and Management Roles and Responsibilities
- Professional Duties and Responsibilities
- UK Abuse Survey Findings
- Dignity of Care
- Role of the Disclosure and Barring Services
- Standard and Enhanced Disclosure
- Definition of Terms-Abuse, Vulnerable, Safeguarding
- Introduction and recognising the abuse
- Categories of Abuse
- Rights, Risks and Restraints in Elderly Care
- Understanding Restraint
- The Mental Capacity Act and Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards
- Harm and Significant Harm
- Situation when Abused could happen in care settings
- Indicators of all types of abuse
- Communication, Information Sharing and Confidentiality
- Concerns and Disclosure
- Duty of Candour
- Procedures for Reporting and Recordkeeping
- Developing Code of Behaviour
- Recruitment and Selection of Staff
- Safeguarding Adult Cases Review and Group Discussion
- Knowledge Competency
Duration: 0930-1730
Fee: £120
Target Audience: Health Care Professionals (Paediatric Consultants and Intensivists/Children’s Nurses/GPs/Mental Health Nurses/School Nurses/Forensic Nurses and Doctors/Midwives/Health Visitors) who work with children and young adults.
Lunch will not be provided only Tea and coffee will be provided in the morning and during breaks.
Safeguarding of Vulnerable Adults (SOVA) Level 3
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