Law, Ethics, Professional Accountability, Documentation and Recordkeeping Workshops
The Law, Ethics, Professional Accountability, Nursing Documentation and Record Keeping
- The Law, Ethics, Professional Accountability, Documentation & Record Keeping (LEPADR) Workshop is designed to provide learners with the underpinning concepts to explore the statutory and common laws and professional-ethical responsibilities of nurses in order to develop participant’s knowledge and critical thinking skills in the healthcare arena.
- The qualification is ideal for new starters and experienced staff requiring a refresher alike and is designed for the health and social care sectors including private and government hospitals, ambulance services, nursing homes,residential care homes, domiciliary care providers, nurseries, doctor’s surgeries etc.
- The qualification has been designed to incorporate the guidance and best practices of law and ethics from NMC, RCN, Department of Health, NICE, Health and Social Care Act and other government guidance.
Aims of workshop:
- To enhance the knowledge, skills and attitudes of registered nurses andother healthcare professionals in the ethical and legal responsibilities oftheir professional practice in order for them to be aware of the implicationof their actions to the overall care that they render to their patients
- To extend and enhance the knowledge and skills of registered nurses andother healthcare professionals in performing accurately and proficientlytheir responsibilities in documentation and recordkeeping
Course Details
- Law (Criminal Law vs. Civil Law)
- UK Criminal Court System
- Interpretation of Judicial Function
- Aims of Sentencing
- Generic Legislation and Codes of Practice for Nurses
- Health and Safety at Work Act 1974
- NHS Constitution
- Ethics
- Framework for Ethical Dilemmas
- Utilitarianism
- Deontology
- Right Based Ethics
- Virtue Ethics
- Dishonesty
- Consent for Care and Treatment
- Right to Refuse
- Confidentiality
- The Data Protection Act 1998
- Information Governance Review
- Caldecott Principle
- Disclosure
- Police Access to Medical Records
- Freedom of Information Act
- Information Sharing Protocols
- Computer Misuse Act 1990
- Ethical Aspects of Resource Allocation
- Mental Capacity Act
- Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS)
- Mental Health Act
- Equality and Diversity Act 2010
- Different Types of Discriminations
- Human Fertilisation
- Embryology Authorisation Regulations
- Police and Criminal Evidence Act
The Notifiable Occupations Scheme (NOS) - End of Life Care Decisions
- Incompetent and Competent Patient
- Withdrawal of Artificial Nutrition and Hydration
- Prevent Duty Guidance in England & Wales
- Safeguarding Adults
- Law of Consent Pertaining to Children
- Professional Code of Conduct
- Recordkeeping and Documentation
- Common Errors in Record Keeping
- Breach of Duty
- Duty of Candour
- Accountability and Professionalism
- Impact of Dishonesty to Nurses
- Employment Contract
- Recent Changes to Fitness to Practice
- Consensual Panel Determination
- Areas of Review
- Lack of Competence
- Criminal Convictions and Cautions
- Protected Cautions and Convictions
- Driving Offences and Penalty Fares
- Health as Allegation
- Knowledge of English and Patient Risk
- Sanctions
- NMC Powers
- Role of NMC Investigating Committee Panel
- Principles of Delegation
- Health Records
- Evidence in Court
- Documentation and Recordkeeping
- NMC Guidance
- SBAR Communication Tool
- SBAR Handover and Documentation
- Nursing Process Documentation
- ABCDE Assessment and Documentation
- Assessment of Deteriorating Patient
- SBAR Sample Case Scenarios
- Knowledge and Practical Assessment
Target Candidates: Nurses, Doctors and other Healthcare Professionals
Duration: 10:00 – 18:00
Fee: £160
Lunch will not be provided only Tea and coffee will be provided in the morning and during breaks.
The Law, Ethics, Professional Accountability, Nursing Documentation and Record Keeping – RCN (6846) Accredited
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