Prevention and Management of Violence and Aggression – PMVA Updates


The course is designed to explore Nurses’ and other healthcare professional’s knowledge and skills in dealing with violence and aggression in a mental health setting environment.

Management of Violence and aggression in a structured manner encompasses the ability of staff to work in a safe environment. Healthcare professionals working in an acute mental health environment are at risk of experiencing violent and aggressive behavior from patients. It is therefore a priority for all healthcare professionals to know the strategies, legal issues, accountabilities in dealing with mental health patients.

Course Contents: Management of Violence and aggression
  • Aims and Objectives
  • Law, Policies and Professional Accountabilities
  • Mental Health Statistics (2009-2010)
  • Role, Duties and Responsibilities
  • Equality and Diversity
  • The Mental Capacity Act and DOLS
  • Person Centered Care
  • The Duty to Act in the ‘Best Interest’ Management of Violence and aggression
  • Mental Capacity Advocates
  • Control and Restraint
  • Indications of Physical Restraint
  • Types of Physical Restraints
  • Restraint Assessment and Monitoring
  • Rapid Tranquilisation, Physical Intervention and Seclusion Management of Violence and aggression
  • Management of Disturbed /Violent Behavior
  • Alternative Interventions
  • Preventive Measures of Violence and Aggressive Behavior
  • Documentation and record keeping

Target Candidates: RMN’s and other Healthcare Professionals

Time: 1200-1700 (5 Hours)
Course Fee: £75
Includes Tea and Coffee



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