Coronavirus Guidelines
To welcome back trainers and students, we have now opened up our main office. All members of this community will need to work together to keep each other safe when in office premises, so please make sure you read the safety measures implemented and follow the guidance to help ensure social-distancing and hygiene guidelines are followed.
It is important to consider that some students or trainers may wish to take a cautious approach when in office premises. Please be considerate of this and try to provide space for others. We must continue to work together and be kind as we navigate this next step.
Before you coming for trainings:
- Stay at home if you’re unwell – If you feel unwell but don’t have Covid-19 symptoms, or your Covid-19 test is negative, you may still have an illness which could be passed on to other people.
- Book regular Covid-19 tests – to reduce the spread of the virus and keep all people on campus safe, it is important that you take asymptomatic tests twice a week to help reduce the spread of Covid-19 – even if you have been double vaccinated. You should only come onto campus if you have received a negative result. You can access free lateral flow tests by:
- Ordering home tests from the Government website (or collect them from your local pharmacy
- Using your local testing centre
These lateral flow tests are for anyone without symptoms – if you do have any symptoms of Covid-19 please book your test through the NHS and let us know by emailing us.
While you’re on office premises:
- Follow the key actions below that we’re asking all students, staff and visitors to adopt in order to keep themselves and each other safe.
Working together to keep our City community safe
What we need you to do
- Take asymptomatic tests regularly to help reduce the spread of Covid-19, and only come to campus if this test is negative. You can access free lateral flow tests by ordering home tests from the Government website, collecting them from your local pharmacy or using your local testing centre.
- We expect you to wear a face covering in potentially crowded or enclosed spaces, unless you are exempt. This includes when you are moving around inside buildings on campus, some teaching spaces, corridors or kitchens.
- Your trainers may ask you to put a face covering on in your classes, so please do wear one when asked, unless you’re exempt. If you forget your face covering, you can collect one from Suite 713.
- Please respect other students’ and staff members decision to wear a face covering and where possible, wear a face covering if another person is uncomfortable.
- Let us know if you have symptoms of Covid-19, test positive or are self-isolating – by email. This applies whether you are booked for a training or about to book for one.
- Wash your hands with soap and water or use hand sanitiser regularly throughout the day.
What we are doing
- Switching air handling units to fresh air (no recirculated air), to help with ventilation; where natural ventilation exists the windows will be open.
- Continuing to update risk assessments for all activities.
- Reduced occupancy will be maintained in offices and teaching spaces as we transition to the easing of lockdown.
- Keeping hand sanitation stations across our rooms.
- Continuing our enhanced cleaning programme and providing cleaning products to wipe down surfaces before and after use.
- Offering ongoing support for self-isolation – if you have symptoms, please stay at home, get a test and let us know.
- Ensuring anyone who is clinically extremely vulnerable is supported
- Continuing to follow our Covid-19 Outbreak Plan which is approved by our local branch of Public Health England and kept under review.
Looking after your own health
You can find the latest information about Covid-19, including symptoms, social distancing guidance and track and trace on the NHS coronavirus website.
What to do if you have symptoms
If you have any of the main symptoms of Covid-19, get a test as soon as possible and stay at home until you get the result. Please also let us know by emailing us.
The main symptoms are:
- a high temperature
- a new, continuous cough
- a loss or change to your sense of smell or taste
Use the NHS 111 online coronavirus service if:
- you’re worried about your symptoms
- you’re not sure what to do
Call 111 if you cannot get help online. Do not go to places like a GP surgery, hospital or pharmacy.
What to do if your test is positive
Stay at home, self isolate and please confirm your positive test with us as soon as possible by emailing us.
How to avoid catching or spreading Covid-19
In line with public health advice, we ask you follow these hygiene practices to protect your own health and that of others:
- get vaccinated – everyone aged 18 or over can book COVID-19 vaccination appointments now
- meet people outside if possible
- open doors and windows to let in fresh air if meeting people inside
- limit the number of people you meet and avoid crowded places
- wear a face covering when it’s hard to stay away from other people – particularly indoors or in crowded places
- wash your hands with soap and water or use hand sanitiser regularly throughout the day
- Do not touch your eyes, nose or mouth if your hands are not clean