12-Lead Electrocardiogram (ECG) Placement
- An electrocardiogram (ECG) is a graphical representation of the electrical activity of the heart. The information conveyed by an ECG may be invaluable in the diagnosis, prognosis and management of a wide range of conditions.
- The 12 different views of cardiac electrical activity show the three-dimensional electrical activity occurring in the heart. It is a representation of the heart’s electrical activity during depolarisation and repolarisation recorded from electrodes placed on the body’s surface, that enable pathology to be localised to particular regions of the heart.
- Electrocardiography is still regarded as a gold standard investigation and is often the first diagnostic test performed in people with suspected heart or conduction tissue disease. The 12 lead ECG is a routine clinical examination which can be performed by a range of healthcare professionals. Training necessary to achieve competence in placement and interpretation.
Course Contents:
- Legislation and National Guidelines
- Roles and Responsibility
- Principles of Consent
- Risk Assessment
- Privacy and Dignity
- Areas of Accountability
- Historical Background of ECG Monitoring
- The Conduction System in the Heart
- Indications of ECG Monitoring
- Factors Increase Cardiac Risks
- Infection Prevention and Control
- Equipment Required for ECG Placement
- Skin Contact with Electrodes
- ECG Procedure
- Position of Chest Electrodes
- Limb Electrodes and Lead Placement
- Chest Lead Placement
- Full Lead ECG Placement
- LEADS a VR, a VL, a VF
- LEADS V1, V2, V3, V4, V5, V6
- Normal ECG Waves
- Understanding ECG Waveform
- The ECG result and Patient Details
- Normal Impulse Conduction
- Impulse Conduction Pathways
- Pacemakers of the Heart
- Recording the ECG Trace
- Importance of Good Record Keeping
- Practical ECG Skills
Target Audience: All Allied Healthcare Professionals
Fee: £90
Duration: 4 Hours
Schedule of Training: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday
Lunch will not be provided only Tea and coffee will be provided in the morning and during breaks.
12-Lead Electrocardiogram (ECG) Placement Workshop
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